As I read about current events and watch the news on TV I get the distinct feeling that America is tearing itself apart needlessly.
What I mean by this is that the camps of Democrats, Liberals. Republicans, Noecons, atheists, Christians (of all flavors) are verbally attacking each other, blaming each other for the ills of the nation while the politicians fiddle
As I read about current events and watch the news on TV I get the distinct feeling that America is tearing itself apart needlessly.
What I mean by this is that the camps of Democrats, Liberals. Republicans, Noecons, atheists, Christians (of all flavors) are verbally attacking each other, blaming each other for the ills of the nation while the politicians fiddle. What we have is a misdirection of emotion and frustration. I believe that if the American people would put down their prejudices for a little while and ask yourself “ What is it that I want and believe in then we would see that, yes, we have some differences but most of our core beliefs and desires are the same”. In doing this we would be able to see who is to blame and redirect our frustration on those who are to blame.
I am not afraid to tell you about myself and about my desires and thoughts somebody has to start. I am a fifty year old man. I own a company, have a wife and two children. I am a Christian and in the political world I would consider myself a republican, although I am ashamed of the republican party.
My desires (not my fantasies) are to have good work or jobs that pay well. I want my country and specifically the area that my family and loved ones are in, safe and secure so that we can live quiet and peaceful lives. I would like to be able to have food on the table and health for me and my family. I would like the neighborhood and town that we live in to be prosperous. I want the same opportunities that my generation had available to our children and our children’s children. I would like to be left alone to live my life the way I see fit, as long as it is within a tolerable framework of laws. I want my political representatives to represent me and not special interest groups..
Some of the things that I don’t want are; I don’t want to have to worry if we will have enough oil in the country for gas in my car or heat in the homes of those that use oil to heat their houses. I don’t want our sons and daughters being put in harms way or being killed when it is not to protect this country and it’s people. I don’t want the government making deals with big business lobbyists to the detriment of our countries best interests. Although, I speak Spanish fluently and have many Mexican friends I don’t want illegal immigration. I don’t want the government lying to us any more, if it is bad news tell us and tell us what you are going to do about it. I don’t want the Media trying to feed us only what they want us to hear. America is a lot smarter than you politicians give us credit for and most of us know when you are feeding us a bunch of garbage.
I don’t want to be taxed to death. The reason both husband and wife have to work is because of the government and taxes that they put on us. That’s another thing, I don’t want to pay for stupid government programs or disgusting art projects with tax dollars or any other dollars.
If any of this is what you want then I would say that we have a lot in common. So who is to blame for our situation? I would say that it is our leadership! They are the ones that are either to lazy to learn what they need to so that they can make intelligent decisions or too, greedy to do their job without a little extra on the side, for example our energy policy. The U.S. is buying oil from foreign governments that hate us because we don’t have enough to supply our own needs. The planning for energy independence should have been done long ago and implemented years ago. The world is running out of the light sweet crude oil that has fueled the world for the past century. We have plenty of alternative oil sources such as oil shale or oil from coal but we are on the edge of a global oil shortage and while China, Russia and other countries are solidifying oil rights across the globe our politicians sit and fiddle.
Who put our country into nine trillion dollars of debt? I didn’t and I can guarantee that anybody reading this article didn’t either. So who did? Our Government leaders. The interest on that debt is 1.2 billion dollars a day. The average persons will make between one and one half to two million dollars over their entire life. So, about 800 people would have to work their entire lives to pay one day’s interest on the national debt. It isn’t all from the Iraq war, that cost one trillion dollars to date, so, where did the other eight trillion go to?
Some good old fashion living within your means by the politicians could have helped this country.
Our problems aren’t caused by the people of this country but by the leadership, both Republican and Democrat. The way I see it the people don’t have a choice as to whether we get involved or not. We have to be if we want the things that I’ve mentioned. The politicians have to be put on notice that WE ARE WATCHING and that we want them to stop fiddling Nero’s tune. We want them to roll up their sleeves and start working FOR US, or else.