ver the past few weeks I have been studying the first five books of the Old Testament along with some of the New Testament and then I sat down with my family to watch some television. Let me just say that I believe that television usually rips the Word of God out of a person’s heart but, that is for another time.
Over the past few weeks I have been studying the first five books of the Old Testament along with some of the New Testament and then I sat down with my family to watch some television. Let me just say that I believe that television usually rips the Word of God out of a person’s heart but, that is for another time.
So, I’m sitting there watching Man vs. Wild and I started thinking about the questions that people have asked me over the years concerning the people of other countries and religions and the vastness of the world and evolution and everything else that doesn’t seem to be related to Christianity and how can Christians be so narrow minded and extremism is dangerous, especially those extreme Christians. The list goes on even within the Christian churches. I honestly have gotten tired of these people and their endless questions. So I want to set the record straight, even for you Christians that think you are doing God’s Word.
God expects you to be extreme! Not the way most people think about “extreme” today but extreme as defined by the Bible. Hebrew 11:6 But without faith (faith should be translated believing in this verse) it is impossible to please Him; for he that cometh to God must (do you see that it says MUST) believe that He is, and that He is a rewarder of them that diligently seek Him. You cannot believe in a “creative universalism”. You cannot believe in Bhuda or Allah or be agnostic or atheist. You have to believe that He is. He, Him, Himself you know God! God who protected the children of Israel for forty years in the wilderness. So that when they came up out of Egypt there was not one feeble knee among them. That means of over one million people there was not one sick person. Their clothes didn’t “wax old” and that nation prospered.
Jesus Christ was an extremist. He chose to suffer the afflictions and die on the cross for you and for me. If he were not sure, that what God had foretold over the centuries, that his dieing would bring about the redemption of man kind do you think he would have gone through with it. According to Matthew 26:53 Jesus had twelve legions of angels to attend to him at any given time. He could have walked away from the beatings and crucifixion if he wanted to but he believed and got the results of his believing redeeming mankind so that “whosoever believeth in him should not perish but have everlasting life”.
You see it is very simple, all you have to do is believe. That is all Israel had to do. The manifestation of that believing is keeping His commandments. When Israel kept the commandments of God they were blessed and prospered. When they thought that they were smarter than God and turned their back on God and refused to keep His commandments they suffered the consequences which usually meant captivity or/ and death. We aren’t under the law anymore but the law of believing still applies and we still have to believe that He is and that He is a rewarder of those that diligently seek Him. Ephesians 6: 13 says “Wherefore take unto you the whole armour of God, that you may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all stand.” Wouldn’t you like to stand and having done all not whimper, not cower, not run and hide but STAND. To do this you have to be an extremist. You have to know the Word (the Bible) and you have to do it. Hebrews 3:12 “Take heed brethren, lest there be an evil heart of unbelief, in departing from the living God.”
With God you are “more than a conqueror.” I John 4:4 Ye are of God little Children and have overcome them, for greater is he that is in you than he that is in the world” Go to the extreme and believe Him via His Word (specifically the epistles written to the Body of Christ Romans through Thessalonians) and see the greatness of God’s promises become manifest in your life.