Before this year I didn’t use the phrase “Merry Christmas”, I used “Happy Holidays”. It wasn’t because I was or am a rank unbeliever. But, quite to the contrary I know what the Word of God says and I know the history and origins of the Christmas holiday and the real meaning of the word “Christmas” and it has nothing to do with the birth of Christ. So why did I use the term “Merry Christmas”? It was because Christianity is being attacked in this country by just about everybody and it was my way of both going against the current of our society and standing with the Christians.

Before this year I didn’t use the phrase “Merry Christmas”, I used “Happy Holidays”. It wasn’t because I was or am a rank unbeliever. But, quite to the contrary I know what the Word of God says and I know the history and origins of the Christmas holiday and the real meaning of the word “Christmas” and it has nothing to do with the birth of Christ. So why did I use the term “Merry Christmas”? It was because Christianity is being attacked in this country by just about everybody and it was my way of both going against the current of our society and standing with the Christians.
I know that Jesus Christ was not born in December he was born in September. I know that the three Magi showed up months after the birth of Jesus Christ and that there are two Bethlehems, the one that He was born in when Mary and Joseph went to be counted in the census (the taxing) and the other to the north where they lived in Nazereth. I know that the Roman Catholic Church changed the date of the celebration of Christ’s Birth from September to December to coincide with the pagan celebration of the birth of the “sun god”. You see, December 25th is four days after the winter solstice and the first day that the Sun is discernibly rising in its zenith and the pagans were sure that the days were getting longer. They were celebrating the Sun rising in the sky. The Romans Catholics were struggling for converts so they switched the celebration of the birth of the Son of God to the date that the pagans celebrated the birth of the sun god. Snappy marketing ploy but not accurate in the time.
The pagan celebration was a celebration of fertility with the fir tree, the presents, the star on top of the tree and other assorted holiday traditions being signs of that fertility.
I know that the term “mass” or when it is used at the end of Christ (mas) it was placed there by the Roman Catholics and the word means a death ceremony.
So, yes, I do not like saying the word Christmas. What drove me to saying it this year is that Christianity and Christians are being attacked on every side. From the politicians, from Hollywood, from the Muslims, from the Hindus, from the media, from the teachers in our public schools, from kids that don’t know any better and from our business leaders. And so, it was politically correct to say “Happy Holidays”. But saying “Happy Holidays” has become a victory to unbelievers by taking one more notch out of anything Christian. Well I see a persecution of Christians and Jews coming in this country and it is not far off. So I have taken my stand and I stand with God’s people, however mislead they are they are still endeavoring to celebrate the Birth of God’s only begotten Son, our Lord and our Savior Jesus Christ and I will continue to do so no matter what denomination the Christian might be because they are God’s People. One day in the not to distant future you will have to make that decision, who you will stand with. I pray that you make the right one and take a stand for God by standing with His People.
I hope you had a Merry Christmas.