I”m at a loss. Perhaps someone could help me in my quandary. Where I am lost is in the happenings of the past few months with Wall Street and our money. No, it is not with the Dow dropping five hundred points in a day, although that is quite something. Actually, there are a lot of things that have gone on over the past few months that one could be at a loss for answers. Things like all of the banks that have failed, the choice of Presidential candidates (although I am at a loss on why these two candidates I have a bigger problem and concern,) I could be questioning the hurricanes, the price of oil, the drop in the price of gold, etc. etc. etc.. But, I am not thinking about those things. NOPE! I am wondering where the Federal Reserve got the authority to lend money to private istitutions AND where the Government got the authority to Nationalize companies and double the National Debt OVERNIGHT!!!

I”m at a loss. Perhaps someone could help me in my quandary. Where I am lost is in the happenings of the past few months with Wall Street and our money. No, it is not with the Dow dropping five hundred points in a day, although that is quite something. Actually, there are a lot of things that have gone on over the past few months that one could be at a loss for answers. Things like all of the banks that have failed, the choice of Presidential candidates (although I am at a loss on why these two candidates I have a bigger problem and concern,) I could be questioning the hurricanes, the price of oil, the drop in the price of gold, etc. etc. etc.. But, I am not thinking about those things. NOPE! I am wondering where the Federal Reserve got the authority to lend money to private institutions AND where the Government got the authority to Nationalize companies and double the National Debt OVERNIGHT!!!
Is anyone of our elected officials on the job? Are any of our elected officials sane enough to raise a voice of protest?
Over the past few weeks, I’m leaving the months off for right now and we’ll just deal with the past weeks) our government has made a deal to take over (nationalized) Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac and doubled our national debt in one fell swoop. They have just paid $85,000,000,000.00 for a failed institution (AIG) and now the rest of the companies that are feeling ill are lining up at the Fed’s door looking for a hand out. Who gave the Federal Reserve and our Government the right to do this?? Are we as a nation so blinded or our leadership so corrupt as to think this is OK, that this is something that has to be done, that these institutions are “too big to fail.” Or another way to put it is that these companies are too important to allow them to fail. Let me see if I can come up with some of the resons.
The reason the Fed. says these corporations are too big to fail is that it will hurt our economy even more. That is correct but they shouldn’t have stopped there. They should finish the thought. They should say “these companies are too big to fail while we’re still around. We know it will be worse in the long run for all involved, except us, to bail these companies out but we don’t want it pinned to us because we’re the ones that caused this mess. We allowed them to rape pillage and plunder the common folk. We know we did it but still we don’t want it on our record. Oh, yeah, we are to cowardly to try to fix it or any other real problem that our country faces.” That is what they should be saying but to them you and I don’t count. We are the worker bee’s that allow them to live the lives of gods with all the money and power they can dream of. They have forgotten who they work for and we have forgotten that they work for us.
Some of the other reasons could be that we, as a nation, are indebted to the shareholders of these corporations, entities such as China and Japan so the government cronies were bailing them out so they in turn don’t dump the T-bills that they are holding. It could be that there are just too many thieves and crooks with their fingers in the pie to allow an opportunity like this to pass by.
One of the reasons that I will dismiss is that they are just to dumb to see what they are doing. Sorry, I don’t for a minute believe that.
I want to compare the nationalization of Fannie and Freddie to the loan given to Chrysler in 1980. The money to bail out the two Fs is between ONE TRILLION DOLLARS AND FIVE TRILLION DOLLARS! The loan to Chrysler was for ONE BILLION FIVE HUNDRED MILLION DOLLARS. The cost of saving of the two Fs is at least ONE THOUSAND TIMES GREATER than the loan to Chrysler. Chrysler petitioned the Government on September 7th 1979. It was approved by Congress on December 20,1979 and signed by President Carter on January 7, 1980. That is a time span of One Hundred and Twenty Two days. The Nationalization of the two Fs took two days, perhaps a week if you want to add in the miscellaneous back door talks. Chrysler’s was a LOAN. The loan was ASSET BACKED, and it was paid off in a few short years. The Fannie and Freddie debacle is just debt with no assets and there is no chance that it will ever be paid back.
AIG was handled in the same manner. EIGHTY FIVE BILLION DOLLARS ( fifty six times the size of the Chrysler loan) and done in two days. So, my consternation is with our government Where did our constitution and laws change from 1979 to now that allows a few men to determine the destruction of the U.S. by laying such burdens on us, its citizens. Where are the MEN and WOMEN that we elected to represent us and protect us from such fraud. Are they too busy holding out their hands to the special interest lobbyists to care about the country? Quislings shysters and thieves all.
These hustlers and confidence men in the guise of congressmen and senators stood by over the past four years while the national debt was run up more than all other administrations put together and they said nothing. Now they stand by and watch as thieves and hucksters double our debt and reward the perpetrators that ran the companies with multi-millions dollars severance packages. What is going on is illegal and I want to know