America is missing the point! We are going down the toilet as a nation, that is true, but everybody is saying that it is President Bushes stupidity or Congress’s blindness or stupidity or ignorance. America’s focus has been too narrow. We have been thinking that it is because of ignorance but nobody has commented about the possibility that all this destruction has been planned over several administrations. Is this another conspiracy theory OR is this a fair appraisal of the actions of our present and past leaders? It is time you expanded your view.
There is a trend. I don’t know for sure if it started back when the Federal Reserve System was started or when FDR uncoupled the dollar from the gold standard or when Nixon uncoupled the dollar from the silver standard but over the past twenty five or so years there has been a literal flood of acts and laws that have taken the U.S. completely away from what it was and what it stood for into something ominous and threatening. Perhaps I am wrong and all of this is a result of very educated men and women not knowing economics 101 or ethics or biblical principles or constitutional law. Maybe they are ignorant of the facts concerning our perilous and tenuous oil supply. Maybe?

America is missing the point! We are going down the toilet as a nation, that is true, but everybody is saying that it is President Bushes stupidity or Congress’s blindness or stupidity or ignorance. America’s focus has been too narrow. We have been thinking that it is because of ignorance but nobody has commented about the possibility that all this destruction has been planned over several administrations. Is this another conspiracy theory OR is this a fair appraisal of the actions of our present and past leaders? It is time you expanded your view.
There is a trend. I don’t know for sure if it started back when the Federal Reserve System was started or when FDR uncoupled the dollar from the gold standard or when Nixon uncoupled the dollar from the silver standard but over the past twenty five or so years there has been a literal flood of acts and laws that have taken the U.S. completely away from what it was and what it stood for into something ominous and threatening. Perhaps I am wrong and all of this is a result of very educated men and women not knowing economics 101 or ethics or biblical principles or constitutional law. Maybe they are ignorant of the facts concerning our perilous and tenuous oil supply. Maybe?
This has been happening since the 80’s. It really took off in the 90’s so that today we are hard pressed to find anything that says “Made in the U.S.A.” If you remember Sam Walton, the founder of Wal-Mart, had a passion for having everything in his stores manufactured in the U.S..
According to Catherine Austin Fitts, former Federal Housing Chairman, this was a conscious decision by the administration back in the 90’s. ( www.petemccormack.com The real economy in Fitts and Starts; Nov. 6, 2007) to allow our manufacturing to go over seas. The next and more heinous decision was rather than retraining Americans for the bold new future it was decided to let them spend themselves silly. Yup, we did.
Common sense and history tells us that the middle man gets cut out of the equation. The U.S. has become the middle man with China being the manufacturing base and the rest of the world the buyers. Are you actually going to tell me that nobody thought about what happens when China doesn’t need us anymore or that the Chinese were so stupid they would never think of cutting out the middle man, the U.S.?
There are three incidences that I can point out but how many more are there that I don’t know about? The first is the sale of ball-bearing technology to Russia and giving Russia technology training in accelerometers. This was done way back with Nixon and Kissinger.( http://reformed-theology.org/html/books/best_enemy/chapter_07.htm) President Clinton allowed the sale of missile technology to China. (http://www.chuckbaldwinlive.com/nuclear.html) Before the sale of this technology China couldn’t hit the broad side of a barn but now they are able to shoot down satellites with ease.
The third is the sale of MagnaQuench Inc. to China and the subsequent dismantling of its manufacturing plants and the shipping of it to China. This company “produced critical parts for U.S. precision-guided weapons”. The company made 80% of the rare-earth-magnets used in our Smart Bomb guidance systems. Guess where we buy our rare-earth-magnets from now, you guessed it, China. Oh, the other little kicker is that the Federal Government shut down the rare-earth mine in Mountain pass, Ca. It produced the highest rare-earths in the world.
Bejing acquires more U.S. technology; Scott L. Wheeler; posted to WorldNetDaily.com March 06, 2003
Smart Bomb Technology Moving to China; Sherrie Gossett; WorldNetDaily; August 12,2003
Need I even write about this other than to say that this is the biggest rip off in the history of mankind. It is going to destroy the U.S. financially as well as most of the industrialized nations of the world. The Federal Government has chosen to allow this by letting the Federal Reserve (a private institution) open the credit faucets to any and all who would take it and then print the money to drive our economy into hyperinflation.
We are only one third of the way through the sub prime re-adjusts and already there have been runs on banks and billions of dollars have been lost and written off.
Our country is effectively bankrupt. Our bonds, although still AAA meet the criteria for junk bond status.
The Fed and the Federal Reserve have given the citizenry of the U.S. enough rope to hang themselves and sat back to watch.
Have you seen the stickers in the back windows of cars or trucks that shows a little boy peeing on some type of sign while wearing another sign ie. Chevy Peeing on Ford or visa versa or a boy wearing a Broncos shirt while peeing on the Steelers? Well I saw one that sums up this illegal alien issue. It was a Mexican wearing a sombrero with “Mexico” written on it and the hat in the colors of the Mexican flag peeing on “La Migra” (U.S. Immigration). By opening the borders the Fed’s have allowed in, not people that want to be Americans, but people that want the borders of Mexico expanded to the border of Canada.
This will tear this country apart in the future because a house divided against itself cannot stand.
We were the world’s protector for over fifty years. We marched into World War I and it was over in months. We were thrown into World War II and supplied enough man power and supplies to help stop Germany and Japan without a shot being fired in our homeland.
Now we, in pretense of fighting for liberty, are sending our sons and daughters to a war over oil and oil company profits. If we were a net exported of oil do you think that the Muslims would be attacking us? If the invasion of Iraq was to liberate the Iraqi people then why are we not in Darfur where millions of Christians are being killed?
Today, Christians are being mocked and ridiculed. In the movies they are portrayed as idiots, buffoons, and insane zealots. There is a continued move to keep God out of government. The government is endeavoring to take away the tax exempt status of the Churches. It is now more respectable and government supported to be an extreme Muslim than a Christian. www.danielpipes.org/article/2489 .
Our schools have dumbed down our children for the past 30 years to the point that inferiority is promoted as superiority. Our school administrators are not interested in our children they are interested in their paychecks and in their private realm where they rule with impunity. http://abcnews.go.com/2020/Stossel/story?id=1500338
We used to be a country that saved. A healthy economy saves at least 5% of their income, we have a negative savings rate and it is getting worse month by month. Our forefathers live the motto “ don’t buy it until you have the money for it”. They knew what credit would do to people. J.C. Penny refused to take credit cards in his stores for years because he thought it an evil that would entrap people. He thought it was a service to his customers not to take credit. Now the average American family has $8,000 in credit card debt alone. “Some experts say the profitability of credit cards really began twenty-five years ago, when the banking industry successfully eliminated a critical restriction: the limit on the interest rate a lender can charge a borrower.” www.pbs.org/wgbh/pages/frontline/shows/credit/view/
FEMA started during the Nixon administration and has grown since, as some would call it “ the most powerful organization in the U.S. More powerful than the President of the U.S. and it wasn’t even voted on by Congress. It was by Presidential Order that it came about.
I have not really gotten a handle on this but I know that FEMA can take anything and everything that it wants out of your house and lock you up any time it wants.
There are labor camps built all over the U.S. and contracts for more labor camps to be built. There are reports of prison type box cars ordered by the government, 20,000 in number. Even 200 is too many in my opinion.
This information about FEMA is documented on the internet. Maybe it’s time you did some research of your own.
Here is an excerpt from an article by Ted Turner in 2004.
“ Today, media companies are more concentrated than at any time over the past 40 years, thanks to a continual loosening of ownership rules by Washington. The media giants now own not only broadcast networks and local stations; they also own the cable companies that pipe in the signals of their competitors and the studios that produce most of the programming. To get a flavor of how consolidated the industry has become, consider this: In 1990, the major broadcast networks–ABC, CBS, NBC, and Fox–fully or partially owned just 12.5 percent of the new series they aired. By 2000, it was 56.3 percent. Just two years later, it had surged to 77.5 percent.
In this environment, most independent media firms either get gobbled up by one of the big companies or driven out of business altogether. Yet instead of balancing the rules to give independent broadcasters a fair chance in the market, Washington continues to tilt the playing field to favor the biggest players. Last summer, the FCC passed another round of sweeping pro-consolidation rules that, among other things, further raised the cap on the number of TV stations a company can own.”
With a monopoly you can control what people watch, see and hear. This monopolization is happening in all forms of media except internet. Perhaps that is why newspaper sales are down and internet use is up.
We are dependent for oil from countries that don’t like us. Because of this we are selling our very soul to those countries by letting their fetid extremist anti-Semitic and anti- Christian doctrine into our country. We are vulnerable to supply disruptions and now with the theory of peak oil becoming a main stream topic and talk of gas lines and $4.00 gas we, as a nation, find our selves without an energy plan and without a chance of supplying all of our needs for the next ten years. We will literally be left out in the cold.
There are a lot of other topics such as: The blatant thievery of the Federal Banking system, the lie about ethanol (it takes six times the energy to produce it than it puts out), the thinning of our military to the point that we cannot fight a major war (in other words if we were attacked by China over Taiwan we don’t have the capacity to sustain the fight, we would loose), the selling of national assets such as roads, bridges and ports, political correctness to the point people are afraid to speak their minds, the removal of God from our society and the degradation of the word “patriot” and the term “national pride”.
It is time that honest men and women that are in positions of power start taking this seriously and start banding together to turn this great ship of our from the collision course that dishonest politicians and government employees have set for us. Do not be afraid, only believe. If you don’t start taking action now it will be too late.
God Give Us Men’ – a poem
God give us men! A time like this demands
Strong minds; great hearts, true faith, and ready hands.
Men whom the lust of office does not kill:
Men whom the spoils of office cannot buy;
Men who possess opinions and a will;
Men who have honour; men who will not lie;
Men who can stand before a demagogue,
And damn his treacherous flatteries without winking;
Tall men, sun-crowned, who live above the fog,
In public duty and in private thinking,
For while the rabble, with their thumb-worn creeds
Their large professions, and their little deeds,
Mingle in selfish strife – O! Freedom weeps
Wrong rules the land, and waiting Justice sleeps.
– Josiah Gilbert Holland
American culture, poetry