For decades, while the populace of the World wasn’t looking, the edifice of World ruin was built by flawed concepts and ideas. These concepts and ideas started entering this country in the late eighteen hundreds and early nineteen hundreds. Because of the policies and actions of people in power using these concepts and ideas, we will see suffering on a world scale and if things continue on the course that they are on now we will see wars, government overthrows and possibly World War III.
For decades, while the populace of the World wasn’t looking, the edifice of World ruin was built by flawed concepts and ideas. These concepts and ideas started entering this country in the late eighteen hundreds and early nineteen hundreds. Because of the policies and actions of people in power using these concepts and ideas, we will see suffering on a world scale and if things continue on the course that they are on now we will see wars, government overthrows and possibly World War III.
Politicians for the most part are not experts in anything. They are lawyers, business men house wives etc. that ran for office and by smiling a lot and shaking hands a lot they got elected. They have no more experience in matters of economics or international affairs than the average man on the street. What they do is rely on experts from the fields of economics, constitutional law, international affairs etc. to give them expert information and recommendations. Unfortunately, these experts have moved away from the principles that have been the foundation of Western Civilization and gone after the socialist views, the same views that brought Nazi Germany to power.
In F.A. Hayek’s book Road to Serfdom he describes this directional change in England and the United States.
“How sharp a break not only with the recent past but with the whole evolution of Western civilization the modern trend toward socialism means becomes clear if we consider it not merely against the background of the nineteenth century but in longer historical perspective. We are rapidly abandoning not the views merely of Cobden and Bright, of Adam Smith and Hume, or even of Locke and Milton, but one of the salient characteristics of Western civilization as it has grown from the foundations laid by Christianity and the Greeks and Romans. Not merely nineteenth and eighteenth century liberalism, but the basic individualism inherited by us from Erasmus and Montaigne, from Cicero and Tacitus, Pericles and Thucydides, is progressively relinquished.”
Hayek’s definition of liberalism is nothing like liberalism today but one of individualism and based on liberty not on a welfare state as we now know it.
Hayek continues to explain what happened with the shift in ideology from that which was the founding thought that brought England and the United States to prominence to that of German thinking and the foundation for Nazi Germany.
“It is significant that this change in the trend of ideas has coincided with a reversal of the direction in which ideas have traveled in space. For over two hundred years English ideas had been spreading eastward. The rule of freedom which had been achieved in England seemed destined to spread throughout the world. By about 1870 the reign of these ideas had probably reached its easternmost expansion. From then onward it began to retreat, and a different set of ideas, not really new but very old, began to advance from the East. England lost her intellectual leadership in the political and social sphere and became an importer of ideas. For the next sixty years Germany became the center from which the ideas destined to govern the world in the twentieth century spread east and west. Whether it was Hegel or Marx, List or Schmoller, Sombart or Mannheim, wether it was socialism in its radical form or merely “organization” or “planning” of a less radical kind. German ideas were everywhere readily imported and German institutions imitated.”
Hayek warns the people, of the 1940’s, that the U.S. was going down the same road as Nazi Germany. It hasn’t been till the past few years that this has become painfully evident in the manifestation of the socialist doctrine that has turned this country into a welfare state and economic doctrine that we have followed in Keynesian economics. We are about to be destroyed by the ideological path that the scholars and leaders of this country have followed for the better part of a century. Germany in its march to self destruction inflated their currency to the point that people were pushing wheelbarrows of money to the baker to by bread. Our government and economists are in the process of doing the same thing. The direction that we have taken has led us to a time where we, as a nation, are bankrupt. We have no manufacturing sector which means no middle class and we are beggars to China and other countries to buy our worthless treasury bonds. There are even reports that the Obama administration has offered the houses that the U.S. holds the mortgages to as collateral for China buying more U.S. bonds. The rumors continue to fly, in that it is said, that China wants our national parks as collateral. Collateral for loans which we will never be able to pay back.
The politicians have acted contrary to the Constitution of the United States and quit the gold standard and allowed the Federal Reserve to control the country’s banking system. Was this yesterday? No, it has been going on for eighty years but, remember, the ideas that Hayek was warning people about started in the eighteen hundreds and fermented for years in the colleges and universities of this land.
Is there one person or one industry or one administration to blame for the mess we find ourselves in? No. What we have is an ideology that was and is embraced by the intellects and elites of the country. It is a flawed model and leads only to ruin as we see and are experiencing. We are a long way from hitting bottom on this downward spiral and if history is any indicator of what is to come, if we don’t change ideology quickly, we will have war, civil and world war.
We can change; we must change the flawed model that has put us here. Keynesian economics must go. The socialist doctrine that we have been using for a century must go. As painful as it might be we have to get back to a gold standard even if it is accomplished incrementally and we must re-awaken the sleeping ideology that help found this country.