In a large and expensive looking compound in Texas hundreds of people were arrested for POLYGAMY. Mothers are separated from their children and families are torn apart.
I could understand this IF…
In a large and expensive looking compound in Texas hundreds of people were arrested for POLYGAMY. Mothers are separated from their children and families are torn apart.
I could understand this IF… this were sixty years ago. But why now? In a country that promotes sex among children, who’s corporations spend millions marketing slutty looking clothes to elementary school girls, where over 40% of our young adults have an STD (sexually transmitted disease), where marital rights for same sex marriages are being passed by Federal, State, and Local governments, where every women’s fashion magazine has an article on how to be a better sex partner, where a woman can expose her breast in front of millions at a Super Bowl half time show and not get punished, where the slogan for Las Vegas is “What Happens in Vegas Stays in Vegas”, where entertainment on television is a switch hitter trying to decide who the best lover out of a house full of men and women (Tila Tequilla), where women doing the bump and grind with one guy in a hot tub is ok during prime time TV, where a sports announcer can call a group of women athletes “nappy headed hoes” and gets to stay on television or a children’s entertainer is caught jerking off in a public theater and still gets to do children’s shows (Pee Wee Herman), where internet pornography is a multi-BILLION dollar business, where you can have as many sex partners as you want and as many illegitimate children as you want as long as you are not married . But why in this putrid festering mass of perversion and degenerates do we still outlaw polygamy?
There can be only one reason! The eyes of people of the country have been blinded by the indoctrination into the politically correct society. A society that celebrates diversity as long as it goes contrary to the morals and doctrines that have made this country great.
I don’t agree with polygamy. It should be outlawed. But you can’t have it both ways. Either it is all OK or else it is all WRONG.
LADIES AND GENTLEMEN IT IS ALL WRONG. Come back to the Bible and rediscover the freedom you have by living within the boundaries set forth by THE WORD OF GOD.