Over the centuries men have continued to hack away at the Bible and it’s reputation so that now it is almost impossible to find a person that believes that the Bible is THE WORD OF GOD. Even in the hierarchy of the Christian Churches (where this should be a given (a cardinal rule)) they think that they are modern or sophisticated to believe exactly the opposite
Over the centuries men have continued to hack away at the Bible and it’s reputation so that now it is almost impossible to find a person that believes that the Bible is THE WORD OF GOD. Even in the hierarchy of the Christian Churches (where this should be a given (a cardinal rule)) they think that they are modern or sophisticated to believe exactly the opposite.
Let me see if I can recall some of the things that are said about the Bible. Hhhmmm. There are books missing from the Bible and that the Grand Poobas (heads of the church) of the time met at Nicea to decide what books to include and what books to leave out. The Bible is just a bunch of writings or a collection of stories from people that passed it down by mouth until someone had the smarts to write them down. Uuummm, Oh, it is just a bunch of myths and legends that really never happened. Have I missed any? Well, you can add to the list if you want. What ever you come up with I’m sure I have heard it but I don’t feel like racking my brain trying to remember. The bottom line is that a lot of people have bought into the notion that the Bible has no more authority than any other book written by man. What is even worse is that the leadership of the Christian churches today have taken it one step further to say that Christianity is just one of the major religions. WHAT???? Anybody that thinks that and holds a position in a “Christian” church should have the honesty to step down and go find a real job. No I’m not kidding, they should!
Now I am going to get the idiots that say “oh, you’re a literalist” or the theologians that will look down their nose at this writing and say “ what does heee knooww?” So this is a good time for a joke that I heard a long time back. There’s a good old fashion revival meetin’ goin’ on when the Baptist preacher called for people to come to the alter to get saved. People were coming down and the preacher sees this man just sitting there in the audience and the preacher points to the man and says “what about you, sir.” The man says, “why I’m a theologian” to whit the preacher replied “ come on down God can heal you of that, too!
You see it doesn’t matter how much of the Word you know, it matters how much of the Word you believe! If you don’t believe it is THE WORD OF GOD then how can you expect to get answers to prayer? How can you know that you are going to heaven and nothing can stop you from going? Yes, it is not only possible but God wants you to know.
How do you know what God’s will for your life is? Don’t you have questions that you really, really, really want to know the truth to, beyond a shadow of a doubt? You’re not going to get it listening to people like I’ve just mentioned. But, if you will follow along with me for the rest of this article you will be on your way to knowing the truth and as it says in John 8:32 “And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.”
Psalms 12:6 “For the words of the Lord are pure words: as silver tried in a furnace of earth, purified seven times.” Silver can be purified seven times and after that it starts to get contaminated. II Peter 1:21”For the prophesy came not in old times by the will of man: but holy men of God spake as they were moved by the holy spirit”. Men didn’t choose to write the Bible (according to the Bible) The word “move” is the Greek word “phero” and can be translated “brought forth”. Man didn’t choose to write the Bible but, according to the Bible, God told them what to write. In Psalms 138:2 it says: “ I will worship toward thy holy temple, and praise thy name for thy loving kindness and for thy truth: for thou hast magnified thy word above all thy name.” God holds a high opinion of His Word. What’s your opinion? Look at Romans 4:3 “for what saith the scripture? Abraham believed God, and it was counted unto him for righteousness”. Let me ask you, what did Abraham believe? Was it a magazine article about fertility? Abraham was ninety nine when his son, by Sarah, was born. Was it a doctor? Was it his family or a friend? No! It was God and not only God but His Word. How can you believe anything without words. That is the neat thing about language someone can tell someone else their thoughts and intensions. The Bible is God’s thoughts and intensions for us.
Matthew 4:4 “But he (Jesus Christ) answered and said, it is written man shall not live by bread alone but by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God.” Jesus Christ had a high opinion of the Bible.
People today call the Christian churches “the modern church.” Modern means new, up-to date, or involving recent techniques methods or ideas. The opposite of modern is antiquated. Antiquated means outmoded or discredited by reason of age Webster’s New Collegiate Dictionary
I’ve got a couple of different words/terms for you: divine revelation verses pollution.
Tell me, are the teachings of the Bible antiquated? Are the miracles of the Bible old fashioned and out of style? Are the teachings from the pulpit today more up to date? Have the teachings of today gone on to a higher standard of ideas and techniques? Or, as I see it, has the purity of the Word of God been polluted by the leadership of the Christian church? Mark 7:6-9 “ He (Jesus Christ) said unto them, well hath Esaias prophesied of you hypocrites, as it is written, This people honoureth me with their lips, but their heart is far from me. Howbeit, in vane they do worship me, teaching for doctrines the commandments of men. For laying aside the commandment of God, ye hold the tradition of men, as the washing of pots and cups, and many other such like things ye do. And he said unto them, Full well ye reject the commandment of God, that ye may keep your own tradition.” So, you tell me, is the moving away from the written Word of God modern, new, up-to-date? Or, is the moving away from the written Word of God by teaching other things a pollution of the purity of the Word that God testifies to?
As individuals, as a nation (USA) and as a civilization (western civilization) we are facing or will face a myriad of problems that seem or will seem insurmountable. We as a civilization have come to the brink because Christian leadership has chosen to pollute the accuracy of God’s Word and the only way out, that will allow us to be the “more than conquerors of Romans chapter eight, is by each of us coming back to an understanding of and believing in the integrity and accuracy of God’s wonderful Word, the Bible.
Oh and by the way: the council of Nicea did not ad or remove books from the Bible and God protects His Word (Jeremiah chapter 36). So, do not fret little children just start reading the Bible and I will be here to help you along.