This is just one example. What about what you think of yourself? How many times a day do you hear something good about YOU? Well, how many things do you hear bad about you during a day. Negatives filling your mind so that you begin to doubt your abilities, your goals, who you are and what you stand for? You multiply that by 365 days in the year and you start believing the negatives.You are fighting an up hill battle to stay positive, to believe that you can achieve and to keep a positive self image.
But what if we could reverse it by limiting the number of negative thoughts and increase the number of positive ones?
The word insidious holds a negative connotation and could mean
“Working or spreading harmfully in a subtle or stealthy manner”
or it could mean
“developing so gradually as to be well established before becoming apparent.” Merriam Webster on line
Both are pertinant to our discussion. Americans, typically understand both definitions but use the word with only the first definition in mind. That is fine because that is the way the word was meant to be used. Such as in the desease was insidious. Or “ the influence was incidious and he became a hardened criminal before his parents really knew what happpened.” The princle here is what I am after because anything that works operates on principal and if we can understand that principle we can use it to benefit ourselves and others. That principle is changing someone or something a little at a time in a slow and steady way. We are changed like that by our society.
For example: Some people grew up in a Christian home but do not believe there is a God now. They not only believed there is a God but they practiced the things that the Bible says to do. Then they go to public school and are bombarded by the teachers saying there is no God. They listen to music with lyrics contrary to their upbringing and their beliefs. Soon, their beliefs start changing . They go to college and they are bombarded by more godless doctrine and reasoning for the non existence of God. So, after years of insidious indoctrination they come to the conclusion there is no God. But look, if we broke it down and compared the number of hours that that person spent watching TV and listening to Rap or Rock or DooWop along with all of the time spent listening to teachers and peers denying the existence of God with the number of hours spent in studying the Bible or books tapes and videos on self improvement, there is no wonder why these people turn away from God.
This is just one example. What about what you think of yourself? How many times a day do you hear something good about YOU? Well, how many things do you hear bad about you during a day. Negatives filling your mind so that you begin to doubt your abilities, your goals, who you are and what you stand for? You multiply that by 365 days in the year and you start believing the negatives.You are fighting an up hill battle to stay positive, to believe that you can achieve and to keep a positive self image.
But what if we could reverse it by limiting the number of negative thoughts and increase the number of positive ones?
Look, it is just like food for the physical body. How long do you think your body will last eating junk food like Cheetos and MacDonald burgers and fries and coke and candy before it starts making changes for the worse? What if you ate the best foods? Well what about changing your thinking? It doesn’t happen over night. But it can and will happen if you use the priciples of limiting the amount of negatives that you are bombarded with each day and increase the number of positive thoughts and input. The brain is much like a computer, garbage in garbage out.
Look at the accumulative effect of this. If you studied or read for half an hour per day at the end of a year you would have studied for 182.5 hours. This is the equivalent of two college classes including study time!
On the other hand if you watch TV for 2 hrs. a day by the end of one year you will have watched 730 hours. This is the equivalent of nine college classes or eighteen 40 hour work weeks. That is four months of work.
This works with food and exercise, also. If you drink six sodas each week at the end of the year you would have drank 74,880 calories. This the equvalent of twenty one and one half pounds of body fat. If you exercise moderately for one hour three times a week you will have burned approx. 250 calories (playing darts burns 176 calories per hour). That is 39,000 calories or the equivalent of eleven pounds of body fat.
Do you see how a little bit of what you want each day and a limiting of things that give negative results that you don’t want can really change your life for the better.
There is no better time than the present to make a survey of what you do during a day and revamp that schedule to take advantage of these two little principles.
Set your goals and work toward them You can achieve greatness just by applying these two principles.