here are many superficial reasons given for a country to go to war. Some are to get more land, to advance democracy, to free an enslaved people, etc.. I will tell you there are only two reasons that nations go to war. One reason is to protect their way of life and the other is to advance their way of life. Greed and the lust for power drive the aggressor nations sense of duty drives the others. Both are proud of their countries. Both have to have a unified populace. Without the traits that prevail in both neither type of nation would survive.

There are many superficial reasons given for a country to go to war. Some are to get more land, to advance democracy, to free an enslaved people, etc.. I will tell you there are only two reasons that nations go to war. One reason is to protect their way of life and the other is to advance their way of life. Greed and the lust for power drive the aggressor nations sense of duty drives the others. Both are proud of their countries. Both have to have a unified populace. Without the traits that prevail in both neither type of nation would survive.
A good example of both is World War II Both the Germans and the Japanese were trying to protect and to advance their way of life while the nations they opposed tried to protect their way of life The Japanese were trying to accumulate resources from Manchuria as a change in direction in manufacturing due to loss of their silk industry to the depression. Later with embargos from the U.S. and European Nations for their war in Manchuria and China Japan felt it had no option but to protect it’s interests by attacking Pearl Harbor. Although historians will argue the points of Japan’s necessity to invade Manchuria (aggressor expansionism) and attacking Pearl Harbor (protectionism) it is clear to see that both were driven from a pride of country and were able to carry it out because of a unified populace.
A country, that is in a great depression would be more willing to follow someone that promises to get them out of what they are in and to have the finer things of life than a populace that is already satisfied. Germany was like that before World War II. The Germans saw in Hitler an opportunity for their country to rise out of the depressed state that they were in. Hitler took them further into an expansionist mode.
Another example of a nation advancing their way of life can, also, be seen in Al Qaeda and radical Islam (nations don’t need borders to be nations.) Al Qaeda and radical Islam kills to advance their way of life “You are either with us or you’re dead.” This is the way of true Islam and all other Muslims that deny this must believe that the Quran is a dynamic book that can change with the whim and will of the people.
Examples of the good side of these traits are England and Russia during World War II. Both suffered greatly with great loss of life but both persevered to saving of their countries and their way of life.
This is all predicated on the idea that a nation has a way of life that they hold near and dear to their heart. The War of Independence was fought because people wanted to protect their way of life. The way of life in the Colonies moved away from the thinking patterns and way of life of England and it’s people.
A nation has to have beliefs that it holds near to their heart, things that are non-negotiable, for it to stay a nation. If it doesn’t then it will cease to stay a nation because it will be destroyed from without or within. The reason it will be destroyed from without is because it’s citizens have no internal substance, no beliefs, no moral compass, nothing that they would hazard their life to defend. They will be destroyed from within because they will allow their leadership to wax more and more evil taking away the freedoms and wealth of the people for the benefit of the leadership. We are at that point in our country right now.
Over the years we have allowed our thinking to be morphed into “everybody is good and that everybody maybe different but we are all the same”. “The Communist Chinese are ok if they only have democracy then they would be just like us.” Our way of thinking has been changed to caring more about our personal immediate gratification rather than what is good for us in the long run and what people think of us. We have forgotten what the term “deferred gratification” means. We have forgotten that we have a responsibility to our children to give them a decent place to live and we have forgotten that we don’t get something for nothing.
I don’t agree with some of the creeds that our parents and grandparents lived by BUT, there was a cohesiveness that was found in those generations that we will not find in the generations of today. I would say that they not only believed in a Christian God they, also, believed God. The majority eschewed evil. They had an innate sense of patriotism, something that is now scoffed at and ridiculed as hickish and unmetro. Men protected women whether they needed it or not. The family unit was an important part of society and sexual deviation was frowned upon. The value of human life was held in high esteem and was taken to protect family and the freedoms of this country. Today is much different.
Today sexual deviation is sought after in Hollywood touted as special in magazines and music and tolerated in the halls of The Congress and Senate. The household savings rate is below zero people are living paycheck to paycheck while they finance construction of a new home from a second mortgage on their existing home, hoping to make the big money. Our government lies to us daily and we just accept it. The men who are in charge of people’s retirement funds (Hedge Fund Managers) are putting the money in riskier and riskier investments, jeopardizing the life savings of millions of people while they play Jack Horner and pull out plums to the tune of tens and hundreds of millions of dollars for themselves. When their investors are left to hang out in the wind they themselves will be in the tropics enjoying the warm breezes of luxury and no one complains. Our government Under Bill Clinton sold the ball bearing technology to China that allowed their missiles to start in silence and to shrink the accuracy of those missiles from a mile to a meter. If it weren’t for Bill Clinton the Chinese would never have been able to shoot down a satellite as they did a few weeks ago. George Bush opened the borders to murderers and thieves and terrorists as well as free loaders that are draining our country dry yet in the halls of Congress they debate the issue rather than upholding the law. Over the past twenty years our country has moved away from the freedoms that we have enjoyed and the Constitution that protected those freedoms and have allowed President Bush to enact powers that will turn this country into a military state. The government has built hundreds of camps that look eerily like concentration camps capable of holding twenty million people and trains to transport prisoners and yet all our congressmen/women, religious leadership and media are silent. Our government has allowed the Federal Reserve to destroy our currency and yet we sit around wondering what is on TV..
We are in for the biggest downward economic ride in history and our populace sits and fiddles because that is exactly how they have been trained. We have been fed a diet of sitcoms and reality shows, of rap and punk rock, people telling us that the “Old Way” (which by the way are the principles that this country was found on) is passé and that they are going to “build a bridge to the future”. The problem is that that bridge can’t hold all the graft, greed and corruption that goes with it.
There is, however, a way out and it doesn’t start with closing the borders or bringing back the manufacturing plants or enacting new laws; it starts with you. Yes, you and me and it is called knowledge. We must be willing to come back to the foundational principles that have made this country great. First is an understanding of God and the position that a Christian holds in this world as a son of God and joint heir with Jesus Christ. We must understand that God does stand with us and will bear His arm (fight) for us. We must understand the Constitution of the United States, the Declaration of Independence and the Bill of Rights and demand that our Senators, our Congressmen/women our President and our Judicial branch abide by them. We must accept that there are consequences for our gluttonous actions of the past three decades, pick ourselves up and start planning our way out of this. And we must pray to God for Him to help us and to show us the way.
Our country was built by rugged men and women that stood for what they believed in. It can be rebuilt by the sons and daughters of those people using those same principles just as suredly as the sun rises in the morning.