I guess it is time that I should write an article responding to current events. But I don’t want to. I don’t like to. I’ll force myself to but I really don’t want to. Let me see, I could comment on the transgender guy that thinks he/she/it is pregnant or the absolute insanity of our government leaders by spending $2 Billion (yes I still capitalize it out of respect) dollars in amounts mostly around $600 dollars to individuals to jump start the economy. How about Obama’s spiritual leadership that hates white people? I could comment on the insanity of the Federal Reserve and how the world is playing cat and mouse with an economic collapse that will make 1929 look like kids stuff. Red China is back in the news. They are trying to tidy up before the Olympics by killing Buddhist monks and nuns so that the government and their “new free society” looks better than the rest of the world. I didn’t want to I would rather teach about Christ and the goodness of God. I started writing this not wanting to comment wanting to just “turn my eyes upon Jesus” but now that I started I am so P*##ed off that you are going to have to put up with me since I have a lot of computer ink and computer paper!

I guess it is time that I should write an article responding to current events. But I don’t want to. I don’t like to. I’ll force myself to but I really don’t want to. Let me see, I could comment on the transgender guy that thinks he/she/it is pregnant or the absolute insanity of our government leaders by spending $2 Billion (yes I still capitalize it out of respect) dollars in amounts mostly around $600 dollars to individuals to jump start the economy. How about Obama’s spiritual leadership that hates white people? I could comment on the insanity of the Federal Reserve and how the world is playing cat and mouse with an economic collapse that will make 1929 look like kids stuff. Red China is back in the news. They are trying to tidy up before the Olympics by killing Buddhist monks and nuns so that the government and their “new free society” looks better than the rest of the world. I didn’t want to I would rather teach about Christ and the goodness of God. I started writing this not wanting to comment wanting to just “turn my eyes upon Jesus” but now that I started I am so P*##ed off that you are going to have to put up with me since I have a lot of computer ink and computer paper!
Transgender guy? WRONG! A female with some parts sewed on goes through artificial insemination and it becomes a talking point around the globe. What a Joke and what a shame for the child. Let me think. Isn’t that a side show attraction? “The Bearded Les… I mean Lady.”
Who’s brain storm was it to give $600 to every person (below a certain tax bracket) to stimulate the economy? Last I knew the country was in financial troubles so we spend more and for what? Six hundred bucks isn’t going to jump start anything. Two Billion in redevelopment or in outfitting our existing businesses to compete globally (something our businesses are woefully lacking in) would have meant something. But, oh no, we have to give it to consumers. At most it would be a flash in the pan but actually it will just be a non-event punctuated by a higher national debt.
There are numerous articles on the saving of Bear Stearns on the internet. The most important points to this is that 1)the Federal Reserve invoked a law from the 1930’s to save Bear Stearns by lending to J.P. Morgan. Problem is that J.P. Morgan is not a bank it is an investment firm and the Fed is only allowed to lend to a BANK. What they did was and is Illegal. It borders or actually crosses the line into fascism. 2) Some “in the know type economists” are saying that if Bear Stearns wasn’t rescued that the derivatives market would have melted down. That’s significant because the derivatives market is a funny money (money that has no asset backing) scheme worth ten times the worlds GDP. For you who want to know how much that is the GDP of the world is $50 Trillion dollars. The derivatives market is $500 Trillion dollars. Let me write that out for you, $500,000,000,000,000.00. Since we, I mean me, have a hard time understanding what that is I’ll translate it into time. If every dollar of the derivatives market were a second of time it would equal – one million six hundred thirty nine thousand three hundred ninety six YEARS, and it has no asset backing. If we are teetering on the brink and the closing of one bank/investment firm can bring it down that means that it has a 99% chance of collapsing and when it does the world will suffer greatly. All of course except the fat cats that put us there. They’ll be down in the tropics living like kings on their bonuses. I can’t put my finger on it but something about that doesn’t seem right. Hhhmmmm?
Barack Obama
Many Black “spiritual” leaders make their livings by continuing to teach hate and victimism rather than forgiveness and the power of being a Christian. To those men and women I say GET OUT OF THE PULPIT YOU PHONEY CHARLITANS! YOU LIARS AND THEIVES! And anybody that has been around them for over twenty years not only knows what they teach BUT ascribes to it. It is my personal opinion that if Obama is elected it will be the most divisive thing to happen in this country since the Civil War. You can point to my use of the Civil War in reference to Blacks and Whites etc. but I’m talking about division and the breakup of the country not the KKK crap that you are thinking about. God looks on the heart and I try to do the same.
Red China and the Olympics
One day people are going to learn why animals are territorial! It is because it means life to them and their family! All this BS about giving our manufacturing to China and that the Olympics are a good way to see that everybody is the same and that we have to get along is WRONG! Just ask the Tibetans! Or ask the Christians that have been persecuted for the sake of the Olympics. Some countries and religions believe in domination by any means. That spells destruction and death to all others in their way. I have a great admiration for the Chinese people but the principles that the Chinese government runs by are contrary to everything that our country stood for for two hundred years. If the nations of the world go to the Olympics in China they are condoning and supporting the killing of Christians in China and the murder of Buddhist monks and nuns in Tibet. The only reason that anyone would go to the Olympics is because the possibility of a gold medal has become their god and they have no morals or principles left. The Occident (Western World) is bankrupt financially, morally and spiritually because they have turned their back on the One True God.
That brings me back to why I didn’t want to write about the current events. I would much rather write about God, Jesus Christ and the potential latent in every born again Christian. I want to help people. Looking at the circumstances never sets people free. It is changing what you are feeding your mind that can change your life and the ONLY thing that is going to change your life for the positive now and in the hereafter is the Bible.
The Western World is bankrupt BECAUSE they turned their backs on God. They can rebuild by coming back to God and His wonderful Word. A country is made up of individuals and the only way a country can stand is for each individual to rise up, to change their ways and start putting principle before personal gain. That is best taught by a man that died so that you could live and by the God that “gave His only begotten Son” so that the world has access to eternal life.